Community Connectors

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Connecting the Entire Coachella Valley 

The Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) is dedicated to transforming and promoting active mobility across the Coachella Valley. The CV Link Community Connectors Project to create a comprehensive plan that identifies connections and routes to link neighborhoods to the CV Link, a pathway for biking, walking, and other transportation. These routes will also connect to schools, parks, community centers, businesses, and other important destinations across the Coachella Valley. Funded through the Regional Early Action Planning (REAP 2.0) program, this plan will serve as a document to guide future funding applications and support the development of sustainable, multimodal transportation options. By reducing car trips and improving accessibility, the project seeks to enhance mobility and community well-being.

Central to this mission is the continued development of CV Link, a multi-modal pathway for biking, walking, and low-speed electric vehicles.

The CV Link Community Connectors Project builds on the foundation of CV Link by:

  • Identifying walking and biking routes from neighborhoods to daily destinations such as schools, parks, community centers, and businesses
  • Creating infrastructure improvements to disadvantaged communities and promoting affordable housing and infill development to improve accessibility
  • Increasing sustainable, multimodal transportation options, to create a better connected, healthier, and thriving Coachella Valley
  • Producing a plan that identifies priority routes and will serve as a guide for future funding applications


CV Link Community Connectors Conceptual Diagram

How to Get Involved 


There will be engaging activities and opportunities to share your input on future CV Link connections.

Upcoming outreach opportunities include:

  • Stakeholder Working Group Meetings
  • Public Workshops (In-Person and Virtual)*

*More details will be published as they become available.


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